Children's Targeted Case Management
Contact Info

To make a referral, call, mail or fax a referral form to:
For Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Somerset and Waldo Counties
Contact: Andrew Bergeron, LSW
Telephone: 207-621-0191
Fax: 207-621-0194
Address: 280 State St, Augusta, ME 04330

General Info

Home Counselors Inc. has been providing case management services to families since 1999 and is now offering individualized Children’s Targeted Case Management to youth ages 0-20.

Case managers provide initial and ongoing assessments, work with children, their families and support systems to facilitate access to appropriate services to meet the child’s mental, physical and behavioral health needs.

No person is denied access to services on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. In the event we are unable to meet a special need of a child, an appropriate referral will be made.

Who We Serve

Children are eligible for services provided they meet the following eligibility criteria:

    • Live in Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Somerset, and Waldo Counties
    • Children under age 21 with MaineCare or Katie Beckett coverage who have behavioral, emotional, or mental health needs as indicated by a DSM IV diagnosis or DC 0-3 diagnosis (HCI can provide assessment and diagnosis)
    • Families with a child or children with a qualifying diagnosis and the ability to privately pay for case management services, are also encouraged to call for more information
Specific Services

It is the goal of HCI Targeted Case Management is to address children’s mental, physical, and behavioral health needs by:

    • Advocating for children and families’ rights and needs
    • Linking children and their families to community resources and services as needed
    • Increasing natural support systems
    • Coordinating with other providers using a team approach to monitor ongoing needs and progress
    • Helping to make positive changes in family functioning for all participating family members
    • Provide supported referrals to community resources
    • Assist in finding financial resources to help meet the safety needs of children and their families

To ensure that the needs of families are met in the least restrictive manner, services are:

    • Delivered in client homes, communities, in office or by phone
    • Provided by licensed social workers
    • Require child and adult family member participation
    • Involve collaboration with family members, providers and schools
Funding Sources

Funding is provided by MaineCare for MaineCare eligible families.

Private pay by arrangement.


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Preferred Method of Contact

4 + 12 =

Main Corporate Office

375 Main St
Rockland, ME

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